man with cell-phone gets online loan

What It Takes To Get A Payday Loan Online Same Day

A payday loan online same day allows you to get between $100 and $500 to cover emergencies like veterinary fees, medical bills, home repairs, and other monetary emergencies that were unexpected. If you must cover a time-sensitive situation but don't have enough in your emergency fund to pay for it, then this sort of loan is an option. 

And, thankfully, getting a same-day payday loan might not be as difficult as you currently believe, especially when you choose Alabama Title Loans, Inc.

In the following parts, we will go over what it takes to acquire a same-day payday loan online, including the requirements and process. That way, you'll be able to run through the process with transparency, trust, and speed. 

Everything You Need To Get A Payday Loan Online Same Day

While you do not need a good credit score to obtain a same-day payday loan online from us, you must supply five documents. We use your paperwork to establish whether you can obtain the loan without paying too much attention to your credit rating. 


So, you will need these five documents to get a same-day payday loan from our store:

  • ID — You can use any form of identification that displays your name, date of birth, and a picture of your face. Normally, our customers use their driver's licenses. However, we accept passports, student ID cards, and a range of other state-provided identification documents. Just ensure it shows all the relevant information and you're good to go. 
  • Social Security card — Your Social Security card displays your Social Security Number (SSN). This nine-digit number is given to US citizens, temporary residents, and permanent residents, and shows your work history. We need to see your card to process your payday loan application. 
  • Bank statement — The bank statement must show us the most recent 30 days. Why? Because it ensures we get a decent representation of your financial situation.
  • Pay stub — Again, it must be your latest pay stub so we can see the precise amount you earn. We use this to ensure we offer you a sensible amount of money. 
  • Blank check — Your blank check needs to come from a checking account that’s still active and in your name. Naturally, we can't lend the money if you provide a check from someone else's bank account. 

Our Payday Loan Online Same-Day Process

Now that you know exactly what you need to get a payday loan from us, it's time to look at the process. Like the requirements, it's simple and easy to follow. And unlike traditional loan processes, you won't waste hours of your life at our store. Instead, the in-person portion could be over in less than 30 minutes. 

Here are the steps you need to follow to obtain a payday loan online same day from us:


  1. Complete the request form online. It's on this website and ensures your information goes to your closest payday loan location immediately. 
  2. As soon as we get your information, we will call you to confirm everything. Don't be afraid to ask us any queries you may have. We want you to be completely clear on the ins and outs of the payday loan online the same day before continuing. 
  3. After the phone call, you must come into the store with all the requirements we discussed above. Our friendly representative will remind you of them throughout the phone call so you're unlikely to forget. 
  4. When you arrive, we will verify your identity and scour your documents to figure out whether you are eligible for the payday loan. This part shouldn't take very long at all — typically, it's around half an hour. 
  5. Once we've established whether you qualify, we will tell you how much you can borrow. If it's enough to cover your emergency, we will ask for your signature on a few documents to confirm your agreeance with the loan terms.
  6. Lastly, you will obtain the money on the day you apply. Although sometimes it's a little longer, so please be patient and wait up to 48 hours to receive your funds. 

Regardless of where you are in the process, you can always ask questions. Our representatives are always happy to help give you peace of mind or clear up any worries before moving the process forward. And you can rest easy knowing that our contracts are written in plain English that's easy to understand. 

Get A Payday Loan Online Same Day From Us Today!

You need your ID, Social Security card, bank statement, pay stub, and a blank check to qualify for online payday loans from Alabama Title Loans, Inc. If you have that and understand the process, you're ready to go. So, just complete the online form, and we'll help you with the rest. Get started now and you could be getting your money today or tomorrow!

Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

Daniel Dewitt

Daniel Dewitt is a lifetime blogger with a finely-honed ability to break down, analyze, and interpret economic trends for the layman. He's fiercely invested in spreading financial literacy and helping everyday people gain the tools they need for their own economic success.